Elpitha D. Tsoutsounakis (she/her) is a Cretan American designer, printer, and educator based in so-called Salt Lake City, Utah. She is an assistant professor and founding faculty in the Multi-disciplinary Design program at the University of Utah, where she teaches design studios, research methods, and visual strategy. She completed her BS in architecture at the University of Utah and her master’s in architecture at the University of Texas at Austin. Her creative practice  with Ochre engages issues of design ethics, materiality, ecofeminism, and the human relationship to the more-than-human. 
@elpitha | Elpitha.studio

Megan Petitt (she/her) is a Multi-Disciplinary Design student studying at the University of Utah. Having been a Teaching Assistant for Sophomore Product Design Studios and Design History Theory, Megan finds the words put to an object as an opportunity to practice a design process that culminates in “research as product.” Graduating in the spring of 2022, Megan hopes to expand upon said language and vocabulary assigned to a fixed set of designed artifacts as a mechanism for developing her research practice.

Kevin Howard (he/him) is a designer based in Salt Lake City, Utah. He is a recent graduate of the University of Utah, where he received his BS in Multi-disciplinary Design. While his individual practice is forever shifting in focus, he is currently interested in the ecological and political contexts surrounding the themes of extraction, production, and materiality.
@kv.hwrd | kevinhoward.myportfolio.com

I join an international community of folks working and thinking with Ochre, especially mentors Heidi Gustafson and Melonie Ancheta.

Pigments Revealed International
Pigments Revealed International is a 501c3, nonprofit organization focused on building a global pigment community and supporting research and education that investigates the significance of pigments across disciplines and throughout history while supporting the advancement of pigment knowledge into the future.